Message from Mrs. Arlien

Welcome to Longfellow Elementary! It is our goal that each child will learn and grow every day. Our mission is to provide academic excellence in a warm and supportive school atmosphere. Strong parental and community support enhances the quality of education at Longfellow. We hope you will volunteer at the school, come eat lunch with your child, or join the Longfellow PTO. We know that your involvement, combined with the efforts of our staff, will make this school year a rich and rewarding year for your child.
ATTENDANCE: We ask for your support and participation in this effort by sending your child to school every day. The school day begins at 8:35 A.M. for all students. Dismissal for kindergarten and grades 1-2 will be at 3:10 pm and grades 3-5 at 3:05 pm If your child is going to be absent please notify the office at 857-4610. Students should not arrive before 8:27 unless they are eating breakfast which is served from 8:00 - 8:25.

TRAFFIC: Traffic is quite heavy during pick-up and drop-off times, so we ask for your patience and keep safety in the forefront at all times. We ask for your cooperation in following the guideline of not getting out of your vehicle in the loading/unloading lane. When pulling into the loading/unloading zone please pull up as far as you can so it will allow others to park behind you. If you need to run into the school, please park your car in a parking spot.

Web Page Accessibility

If you cannot fully access the information on any web page of this site, please let us know the accessibility issue you are having by contacting Kim Sutton, Secretary, at Longfellow 701-857-4610. We will try to provide the information to you in an alternate format and/or make the necessary improvements to make the information accessible.